Amoul's Goats Labneh

Amoul's Goats Labneh
Goat’s Labneh in olive oil is a form of fresh goat’s cheese which I grew up on in Southern Lebanon. During Mouneh season my mum would make jars and jars of the labneh preserved in oil and kept in a dark larder. These jars would last us the whole year and until the following summer when a new batch would be made. Goats ran freely in the mountains near my home. The labneh was the only form of cheese that we ate growing up, its soft and creamy and has a distinct sharp taste.
Each jar approximately contains 28 labneh balls preserved in a mix of olive and rapeseed oil.
As this is a handmade product and made in limited quantities, sometimes the cheese will be made to order.
***Shipping only within the United Kingdom***
Goats Labneh jars are for delivery in the United Kingdom only.